We got off to a great start. Her ability to impart information is excellent and right on point. I look forward to additional sessions with Angela to assist me in getting my project off the ground. Excellent experience!


I need to learn the ins and outs of social media and SEO and i couldn’t have picked a more capable tutor. I’m thrilled with this choice. She understands and appreciates my lack of knowledge in these areas and really speaks to me in a way i can actually understand. She is a walking-talking encyclopedia of marketing on the internet but puts it well in lay language.


Ms. S taught me how to use Microsoft Word, PowerPoint, and Excel. She has excellent communication skills, and approaches her lessons in a way that makes it easy to understand. She gave me the details I needed to keep me connected to the process of learning it. I was looking for a great tutor with strong Microsoft Office knowledge, someone with the skills and patience to teach. Angela S. is the right person!


Very helpful in identifying WordPress plugin issue and providing the guidance needed to correct the issue. Instructor responded to all my needs in a timely manner.


We had thorough dive into Facebook – looking in particular at setting up and running ads. Angela let me go at my pace and ask all the questions I wanted. Thank you!


She is very knowledgeable with Facebook/Social Media. We had some connectivity issues but she didn’t get off track. Very patient also. I am taking another session next week with her and will update then.


Angela helped me get a better understanding of WordPress. I plan to call on her again to help me out more! She was knowledgeable, friendly, and took time to help me learn.


Angela solved all the WordPress problems and questions I put to her. It was a very productive session. We have another meeting scheduled. I highly recommend this tutor.


She is very knowledgeable with Facebook/Social Media. We had some connectivity issues but she didn’t get off track. Very patient also. I am taking another session next week with her and will update then.


Angela was great understanding where I needed to start with WordPress. While I had some experience with other programs, she was very good at assessing what key factors I needed to get started. Very patient and aware of making the time well worth it.


Angela is a WordPress Pro! She is very knowledgeable about plugins and structuring marketing activities. If you need help with setting up your WordPress site or marketing plugins, Angela can assist and explain the process.


Whatever I know about WordPress thanks to Angela and now I am happy because I could understand what she taught me! And would refer who needs to learn WordPress. Thanks again for it Angela!


Strong understanding of material being taught. Answers questions thoroughly and in a language you can understand. Patient and reviews the information that I want to learn.


We started rough due to my tech difficulties but Angela was patient and we pushed through. I think we will reach my objective soon


Angela knows her way around Word Press and then some. First lesson concerned video issues on my draft ezine articles.
